Integrated Crisis System
To provide GCBH with clearly defined standards for the provision of crisis services; the oversight of crisis services; and the expected outcomes for provision of crisis care and to ensure compliance with RCW 71.24, 71 .34, and 71 .05; WAC 182-538D, WAC 182-100, HCA Contracts and Washington State Medicaid Waiver.
Local Application Process for Children's Long-Term Inpatient Treatment (CLIP)
The purpose of this agreement is to provide a guidance document between the MCOs and the BH-ASO regarding the responsibilities of operations as well as the role of the CLIP Liaison when coordinating the care for youth in the RSA who are applying for voluntary placement into a CLIP facility.
Advanced Directive
To define requirements for communicating information regarding Mental Health Advance Directives and Medical Advance Directives, also known as Health Care Directive and/or Living Will.
Crisis Services
To provide GCBH Network Providers with clearly defined standards for the provision of access to and oversight of crisis services.
Care Coordination
Individuals enrolled in GCBH-funded services may present with complex behavioral and physical health needs which require coordination of services between contracted providers and other systems of care, including primary health care and Apple Health Plan MCOs or other healthcare plans, if applicable. The need for coordination of care may occur at any time the Individual is receiving BH services.
Special Population Care Coordination
To establish standards for care coordination of special populations.
Involuntary Treatment Services
To assign responsibility for carrying out processes associated with detaining individuals for involuntary treatment.
Single Bed Certification
To clarify GCBH processes associated with a request for Single Bed Certification provisions established by WAC 182-538D-0526.
Level of Care Authorization
To define the criteria and processes for determining medical necessity for mental health and substance use disorder services, for establishing an appropriate Level of Care relative to that necessity, and for obtaining authorization to provide that care.
Practice Guidelines
To ensure that GCBH and its Provider Network utilize Practice Guidelines and Evidence Based Practices to enhance the quality of care to individuals through the use of Clinical Concepts and treatment approaches that are based on those Guidelines and Practices.
Seclusion and Restraint
To prescribe Greater Columbia Behavioral Health's approach to the use of seclusion and restraint.
Priority Populations and Waiting Lists
To specify how GCBH services funded through GFS/FBG are administered and prioritized.
AEM Inpatient Psychiatric Admission Authorization
To clarify GCBH's processes associated with an Alien Emergency Medical (AEM) Inpatient Psychiatric Admission request established by WAC 182-507-0115.
No Bed Reporting
To clarify GCBH's processes associated with filing an Unavailable Detention Facilities, or No Bed, Report.
DCR Designation and Monitoring
To ensure Network Provider Staff are qualified to become Designated Crisis Responders (DCRs) in Greater Columbia Behavioral Health, LLC BH-ASO (RSA) and meet State established DCR guidelines.