Regional Crisis Hotline: (888) 544-9986

Greater Columbia Behavioral Health, LLC

Toll-Free Customer Service Line: (888) 545-3022

Fiscal Management Policies



To define the budget approval process.

Travel Reimbursement


To define the process by which employees of GCBH and official designees and representatives receive reimbursement for expenses incurred by them in connection with their officially assigned duties.

Credit Cards


To define the requirements for use of GCBH credit cards for the sole purpose of covering expenses in accordance with RCW 43.09.2855 and 42.24.115.

Maintenance of Effort


To define requirements in accordance with RCW 71.24.160 whereby GCBH requires that each Network Provider
assure that State funds in no case, be used to replace local funds from any
source being used to finance behavioral health services prior to January 1, 1990.

Accounting Review


To define the processes for conducting periodic accounting reviews of GCBH contractor accounting records.

Independent Fiscal Audits


To define the process for annual fiscal audits.

Expenditures & Revenues


To define the processes of maintaining documentation of revenues and disbursement of funds.

Professional Services Agreement Initiation


To define the process for initiating Professional Services Agreements (PSAs).

Purchases, Capitalization & Inventory


To prescribe the definition, appropriation, and accounting of purchases, capitalization, and inventory in order to comply with disclosure set by GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board).

Third-Party Liability and Coordination of Benefits


To assure that GCBH Pursues Third Party Resources and Uses those Resources to Support the Public Behavioral Health System and to ensure that Medicaid, state, and federal funding is the payer of last resort; that individual benefits are appropriately funded and to utilize the Contract monitoring process to ensure that Network Providers are adhering to the policy.

Sliding Fee Scale


To clarify the GCBH policy on sliding fee scales and the requirements that must be followed by network providers.

Overpayment Reporting


To outline how GCBH overpayments to providers are reported and handled.

Mid-Month Eligibility Changes


To describe GCBH ASO's process to determine mid-month MCO enrollment changes.

Payments from MCOs


To outline how GCBH is to receive payments from Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).

Involuntary Treatment Services Payments


The process for GCBH BH-ASO payments associated with for court ordered
services to GCBH BH-ASO RSA individuals.

Eligibility Criteria


To establish Greater Columbia Behavioral Health ASO's process to determine individual Eligibility Criteria for Non-Medicaid behavioral health services.